Huge disclaimer- huge. I no longer sing. Haven’t since high school. Out of tune birthday songs drive me batty. Rocking out in the car when I’m alone and misquoting lyrics is my thing.
I was in district chorus in elementary school. Chorus was on my schedule every year thereafter. I was in: chorus, select vocal ensemble in junior high (not sure how that happened), women’s ensemble (“I’m gonna wash that man right out of my hair!”), and Chorale in high school.
Under the direction of Pius Kaltreider, the Chorale sang Broadway, Jazz, Christmas Carols and more (I remember a number in Latin…). Acapella songs were awesome! Never had a solo, never wanted a solo, or tried out for one. I was petrified just running my scales in front of others. I could not read music and never picked it up. After hearing a tune once, I could figure it out. I did not have the vibrato quality to my voice (used to annoy me) and I would tear up every time we sang the National Anthem.
Mr. Kaltreider had us sing at nursing homes, not to get in extra practice but because it was the right thing. He organized road trips for us and instilled responsibility to the group. When my grades were slipping, well- I don’t remember what he said. But, I knew he was on my team.
He wrote a song called “Bend in the Road.” We sang it in concerts and on tour. When he retired, we flash mobbed him at his church and sang his song to him.
“When we feel we have nothing left to give, and are sure that shadows will fall, it is just a pause in our life, my friend, just like a bend in the road.”
I’ve carried these lyrics with me in my heart all these years. I subconsciously hum them during challenging times. I was at a crossroads early on in my high school career and it was my involvement in the music program that helped me stay the course and make it around the bend. That opportunity would have never been there for me without Mr. Kaltreider. I don’t know what he saw in me to allow me into the program but I will always be grateful. The music program saved my life.
During his last year, Mr. Kaltreider prepared a tape (yes, a tape!) of our greatest hits. At the end, he added his own little ditty and sang, “ God loves you and so do I.
There’s something about being outside surrounded or embraced by nature.
What’s a nature element that really speaks to you?
It could be the moment you notice the dark green of a treetop touching the vibrant blue of the sky.
I’m awful at business growth, meaning- I don’t post when algorithms say I should. I don’t “buy” likes or followers or traffic to my site. I post all things related to burnout prevention on Fridays which used to be one of the worst days to do so.
I got a phone call on Wednesday night with a funeral date for a family member that passed in March.
During that conversation, we once again explored the path of origin. The surviving spouse got it from work (the area was an epicenter of contagion before we all knew what’s going on). The workplace was a school. It spread like wildfire (again, before anyone knew what it was).
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