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Bichovsky Backflash: ‘Tis the Season to be Writing

Suzie Bichovsky-Thomas • March 23, 2014
Write for life
This piece was written as a reflection of leadership last year.  It’s in honor of a network that has provided me with a professional support system…and some of my closest friends.  Revisiting it warms my heart and reminds me to carve out time for what I value.
Moravian Book Shop.   Coffee and baked goods abound.  Pens moving, keys clacking.  The synergy was scintillating.  A variety of age, creed, and experience were brought together by the life-giving force of writing.
Eight lady Fellows were engaged in a Writing ‘Treat .  For one small moment, each had given themselves the gift of time.  Some wrote holiday letters.  Another, scene six in a book.  One penned a family welcome to a newborn.  What a gift writing was- for themselves and others.
The purpose was simple- fellowship.  The goal- to write!  And laugh!  And eat!  An unexpected outcome.  Another was in the shop that winter’s eve…
The Doctor was in to do some holiday shopping.  Startled to see several employees writing and exchanging professional ideas in their free time, The Doctor commended them on their dedication to their profession and craft.
And, thus a door was opened, exposing the value of what we all already knew to be true; We write to learn, we write to love, we write to laugh.  We write…For Life!

Learn more about Penn State Lehigh Valley Writing Project and consider our upcoming Best Practices Conference on April 5th, 2014.  LVWP is not just for “Writing” teachers.  Good company, great professional development, and inspiration around every corner.  And…did I mention that there will be cheesecake this year?  Cheesecake!
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