You Matter

What’s Possible?

Suzie Bichovsky-Thomas • May 11, 2014
I don’t know about you- I’m really good at playing the “But, What If?” game with myself.  I don’t need any external factors to shoot down my dreams.  I do just fine on my own.  How did I learn this?  How do I unlearn this?
[DISCLAIMER: If you are under 18, call me “Mrs. BT,” and happen upon this on a Google search- yes, you!- you are not my target audience for this post.  Kindly click your back arrow.  And…tuck in your shirt.]
I can’t help but wonder what my mother wanted for me when I was born.  My best memories of our time together range from reading to impromptu dance parties; my dressing up as Wonder Woman and tying her up with my Lasso of Truth to raid the cookie jar; being allowed to shop for the groceries By Myself while she sat on a bench.  Would my mother have wanted me to have children?  Maybe.
I have children.  It’s true that they are on loan to me for ten months, seven hours a day.  But, they are mine.  I take my charge to instruct them seriously.  Above that, I place keeping them safe.  And, above that, I hold teachable moments that integrate life lessons most precious.   I absolutely want them to learn how to infer and determine the central idea.  But, if they remember to slow down and consider the impact of their words on themselves and others, then…Huzzah!  I’m overwhelmed sometimes by holding “What’s possible?” for them in a container made out of care and lidded by reality.  I envision that lid is askew so dreams can pop out.
What would life be if I committed to playing the “What’s possible?” game with myself?  I’ve been playing it a lot this year.  A change in assignment allowed me to explore what I WANT versus what I must DO.  The loss of my mother is still too fresh for me write about but these three gems are helping.  This change has really allowed for me to dare myself to dream about the future and all of the possibility it holds.  I’ve stopped waiting for the other shoe to drop.  (It’s reduced to a sock.)  I’ve made smart and safe decisions for so long- it’s been a long road back to the kind of dreaming that existed when I played with Barbies and Easy Bake Ovens.
While I’m not looking to live out the life I imagined when I was 8 years old (very disappointed that I can’t push a button and put my house in a briefcase), I’m thrilled to honor my teenage dream to write in whatever forum I can without my middle school pen name- Suzanna Skye.  (I know…awesome!)

Will I ever publish a book or pen a column?  Will I participate in space colonization?  Will I win a cooking contest?  Will I travel the world and provide coaching to those in need? Who knows!  I just know that I love asking the questions and not requiring myself to know the answers.  I’ll know them when I look back at my life thirty years from now.  Gotta go- I’ve a lot to make myself wonder about in the future!

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